Are YOU Ready for Back to School?

Barely two weeks after school got out for the summer, my client told me she couldn’t relax because she was already feeling super stressed about back-to-school.

At night, she was struggling to fall asleep because she was worried and overwhelmed with thoughts about getting the new school year started off well.

During the day, she couldn’t get started on tasks she needed to accomplish in order to secure summer appointments and other logistics in place for September.

Even though summer had barely started, she found she was already getting into conflicts with her kid about the start of the school year.

Listening to her, I could almost feel her stress,overwhelm, and burnout. I mirrored back to her how much she was carrying. Then I invited her to take 5 minutes of “self-care” time for herself everyday to intentionally recharge her inner batteries.

By our session the next week, she started feeling more calm and relaxed, way less stressed.

As we worked together that day, her brain cleared and she was able to come up with small actionable steps for the various logistics that needed to be handled.

Maybe more importantly, she was able to recognize what she could do and make progress on and what was out of her control that she needed to release personal responsibility for.

I talked to her recently. Her summer is going great – she’s having fun with her kid and feeling relaxed about the school year in a way she’s never felt before.

Are you an adoptive parent feeling stressed and anxious about the beginning of the school year?

Ready to shift to calm and relaxed? Book a strategy session with me; (they’re free), and let’s talk about how to get you there.

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